Friday, March 17, 2006

MLB: Nats lose reliever Ayala for season

I'm a postin' madman today....

Anyway, I just saw this, and it's a shame. I think this is the first major injury by a major league ballplayer that was associated with the WBC. Of course, an injury like this is usually the result of overworking a pitcher over the long term, and probably has nothing to do with the Classic.

But still. This has been one of the big things people have been concerned about with the Classic--that some players would get hurt and lost to their teams for the season. That argument never has gained any real traction with me. Ballplayers get hurt in Spring Training all the time, often severely (Griffey is a perfect example). So even if we do get some major injuries in the Classic, who's to say that something wouldn't have happened in spring training anyway?

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