Friday, March 24, 2006

Woes in advertising

So I just noticed that, for better or worse, my little google advertisement thing up top is now working. And to my horror, this (see right) is the very first thing I saw.

My God. How can I possibly be taken seriously when I write about Cincinnati Reds baseball when I've got a bleedin' Tony Womack Jersey advertisement at the top of my page?? If it doesn't change soon, I'll just ditch this whole ad thing altogether. -j


  1. I just added your blog to my daily read list.
    It is funny about the womack jersey ad. I see it on a lot of other pages I've been frequenting. Curious.

    Anyway, thanks for the frequent posts. I may end up just having you, and RHM as my only daily reads this year.

  2. Thanks! I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain this level of activity all season, but I definitely have the "baseball bug" right now. This blogging thing is more addictive than I anticipated. :) -j
