Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Daily Graphing on Dunn

Fan has posted a Daily Graphing feature on Adam Dunn in which they try to forecast Adam's season--they see big things on the horizon for Cincinnati's giant of a first fielder:
That huge strikeout total is a harbinger of a down year, right? Nope — all other signs point to a career year. Dunn is walking more often (21% of PAs), he’s hitting fewer groundballs (32%), more line-drives (22%), and a lot fewer infield flies (6% down from last year’s 14%). Even if you’re worried about the strikeouts, feel confident that the increased walks will result in a career best walk-to-strikeout ratio (BB/K).
While I don't do it nearly enough, I often find that new insights can be gained by looking at data in graphical form. One of the biggest merits of the fangraphs website is that they make it easy for folks to take a graphical look at any players' numbers. If you haven't yet checked it out, please go do so.

Edit: If you're feeling Dunn-giddy after reading that, you'll have to go over to Red Reporter and check out the Adam Dunn video. Nice to see some of the great defensive plays the guy has made over the years. I think the first one was from this year's opening series vs. the Cubs.

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