Tuesday, May 02, 2006


4-1 on a homestand against the Astros and the Cardinals, a Major League-best record of 19-8, 11 games over 0.500. Awesome. This is easily the most fun I've had as a Reds fan since 1999.
  • Dave Williams actually pitched a good ballgame, although his periperhals still weren't very good: 2 K's, 2 BB's, 1 HR. Still, great to see him do something positive. Hopefully he'll still be groovin' when I see him pitch this weekend!
  • Todd Coffey is such a stud. I love that kid.
  • I know LaRussa stakes his reputation on being unorthodox, but that was an odd ninth inning.
    • First he allows Gall to bat in the 9th with the go-ahead run at second and two outs when he had the best hitter in baseball sitting on the bench. I'll never understand that one. I will say that it does say something about who LaRussa expects to be worried about come September when he gives Pujols his first day off all season against the first-place team in the division. Maybe King Albert's hurt? I heard no indication of this...
    • Then LaRussa doesn't walk Valentin to set up a force out at all bases with runners on 2nd and 3rd, 1 out, in the bottom of the inning. I know Valentin has been struggling, but Freel isn't exactly smoking hot either. Maybe he was just trying to avoid pitching to Lopez with 2 outs? Great to see the Latin Love Machine come through. The guy's really been struggling so far this season, and his playing time isn't going to get any better with LaRue back.
  • How about Jason LaRue putting down a two-strike bunt? That was a bizarre move...higher risk than I'm comfortable with, but hey, it worked!
  • Marty actually read one of my e-mail questions on the air. First time he's ever done that. Yay me.


  1. What did you ask Marty? Some of us are trapped in no-streaming, no-radio work zones. I followed the game with MLB's haltingly animated GameDay.

    Oh, and yes: Woohoo!

  2. I just asked for an update on Vern Ruhle. The answer was that there essentially wasn't any news, but that treatment is ongoing down in Houston. Hope the guy can get back in uniform soon.

    I'm lucky...my office-mates have been very permissive of me listening to the games when they are on. It's a great thing to have on in the background while doing very boring, very repetitive tasks (like measuring fly heads--don't ask). I'm more productive with the game on than probably any other time! :) -j

  3. Pujols reportedly tweaked his back on a defensive play last week, and LaRussa had been looking for a good day to give him a rest. Doesn't mean he wouldn't have been available pinch-hit, though.

  4. This is easily the most fun I've had as a Reds fan since 1998.

    Ah yes, who didn't have fun during that great 1998 season when the Reds went 77-85 and finished in fourth place. Pardon me while I soak in the memories. :)

    I think you meant 1999. C'mon J! You're letting the euphoria get to you.

  5. I might actually have to start checking my facts. Two corrections in one day! Yikes. -j

  6. I had a great time in 1998! That team was young and crazy. I remember them winning 10 or 11 straight in June and thinking they would never lose another game.

    Turns out they did.

  7. If I remember correctly, the 10-game winning streak in '98 ended about the time Barry Larkin stepped on Aaron Boone's ankle going for a pop-up in St. Louis, which sent Boone to the DL. One is going to the Hall of Fame, the other has a place in Yankees' history forever, but they helped seal the '98 Reds fate because they couldn't CALL A POP-UP. No wonder that team faded so fast.

  8. The best part about Williams' start yesterday is that he doesn't have to pitch at Coors.

  9. Heh, no kidding. Poor bastards. At least it's only two games. -j
