Monday, September 25, 2006

The Greatness of Junior

I'm sick at home today, but in between naps I managed to watch the Reds/Cubs game on TiVo. After the first inning, I quite nearly gave up on the game. But fortunately, the fact that I could barely get up off the couch, and the fact that this is the last Reds game I'll have a chance to see on TV this season kept me at it.

You can certainly say that I'm happy I did. :) It's been an exciting season, though this past month has been difficult to stomach as the Reds fell out of contention. But Griffey, on a day that Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus announced that he was done for the year, and on the final home game of the season, gave Reds fans everywhere a positive memory to last them through the offseason. In doing so, he tied Reggie Jackson for 10th place on the all-time home run list. It was magic.

I don't know what the winter will bring. Major trades are almost a given, as Krivsky gets his chance to overhaul the team in his first offseason as a general manager. It wouldn't surprise me to see Griffey leaving the team, among others. But Junior's (likely) final swing in 2006 allows me, at least, to close the book on the season with a certain feeling of peace and contentment.


  1. JinAZ,

    I agree 100%. I was watching the GameDay site at work, when Hopper came up in the 8th. My appointment came in, and an hour later I quick-checked to see if we lost by the same 4-2 score. As I was heading to a meeting, I saw we won 5-4,(wow!)with no time to read what happened.

    Later, when I got back, I saw Grif hit a 3 run dinger, and I couldn't beleive it....I later watched the TV replay, AND listened to Marty call the HR on Gameday.

    What a great high note to end the (home)season on. I only wished I still lived close enough to go to the last home game. (I'm in Montana...)

    Now, if we could only win 4 of the last 6 to finish at .500, I'd be thrilled.

    By the way, thank you SO MUCH for this great site. I find it one of the most intelligent Reds blog sites. I know you spend a lot of time on it, and I really appreciate it. :) Keep up the great work!


  2. Yeah, living out west (Arizona here) makes it a bit tougher to follow the Reds in terms of watching games -- especially since I'm too cheap to pay for the MLB webcasts of the games. Probably is part of the reason that I focus so much on the stats around here. :)

    Thanks for the kind words though! I really enjoy running this site -- I just wish I could spend more time on it than I do! I have lots of plans for the offseason though. Except for the occasional transaction analysis, the offseason will let me focus on more analysis-type work. I'm looking forward to it. -j

  3. Have I ever told you of my love for one Ken Griffey Jr? Well it started when I was 6 and in first grade and found out there was a kid from Cincinnati who was also named after his dad, just like I was. Since then, he has been and always will be my favorite player. That swing is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

  4. There really is something spectacular about his swing. It's so fast, so fluid, so natural. There's just nothing like it, which is amazing given how many people must try to emulate him.

  5. > I will accordingly stop referring to you as Jin.


    Believe me, you're not the only one. It's just a silly moniker. When I move out of AZ next year, I'll probably have to just switch over to a real name. Whether it is my real name remains to be seen. ;P
