Monday, September 18, 2006

Milton's elbow

Milton: 0.1 IP, 6 ER, 6 H, 0 K, 0 BB, 2 HR

So I guess we can conclude that the cortizone shot didn't work. Have to wonder if he'll be back this season. Milton has been a real asset to this Reds' team this year. We still overpaid for him, but Milton generally took the ball and gave the Reds a good chance to win in at least two thirds of his outings. If he's hurt--even with a minor injury--we are at that point in the season when there's no point in trying to get him back and risk him causing a greater injury. We need Milton to be ready for next season in the back end of our rotation.

Update: As expected, Eric Milton is done for the season. So our rotation for the rest of the season is: Harang, Arroyo, Lohse, ... and some combination of Michalak, Johnson, Kim, and theoretically Franklin I guess. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. I just hope the Reds can get back to 0.500 before season's end. The only good news I see is that ~6 more games are on TV over these last few weeks. That's probably a third of the total number of games I've had access to here in AZ all season! :)

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