Sunday, March 25, 2007

Updated Reds Links

With several new Reds' blogs appearing over the past few weeks (yay!), I've updated my list of Reds-related links with these new entries. I've also gone through and removed some that seem to have gone inactive--any that haven't been updated since the end of last season was removed. If your blog got removed and you're still planning to maintain it this year, just let me know (via comment or e-mail and I'll gladly add it back. :)

Also, last night I finished most of the data analysis on a fairly substantial fielding study, which extends some of what I did in this post: How should we calculate Zone Rating? Look for it tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how long it takes to write up. I think the findings are potentially useful enough that it might have gone as a freelance piece to THT, but I ultimately decided to just post it here (so I get full editorial control). Hopefully it'll still be helpful to some people.

Once that's done, I'll finally be able to get my review of 2006 Reds fielding online as well, which should be worth reading. Like the other reviews, the emphasis will be on graphical depictions of Reds player performance. It will be based primarily (at least for non-catchers) on THT's Zone Rating and David Pinto's Probabilistic Model of Range.


  1. J, I've seen your name in OOTP forums.

    What do you think of OOTP 2007? And which OOTP MLB roster do you like best?

  2. Heh, yeah, that's me. :) I was actually just planning to post about the game tonight. :)

    I haven't had a chance to do much with it yet, but I'm enjoying the new version. I'm still not as comfortable as I was in 6.5, but it's definitely improved over 2006.

    As far as rosters, I don't really mess with them. Their ratings never quite match my perceptions of what player ratings should be, and I get frustrated when someone doesn't behave like they do in real life. So I pretty much stick with fictional players...though I think I'm detached enough from the players that I might enjoy a 1950's or 1970's historical replay some time.

  3. J - didn't you do an analysis last year of Rheal Cormier that concluded his Philly numbers were just a fluke? Or am I confusing you with some other dead-on analyst.

  4. I think this is what you're talking about:

    ...Compared to '05, his walk rates were up slightly, k-rates were WAY down, and BABIP was absurdly low. All that indicated to me that a) he was lucky to have that 1.59 ERA, and b) the 39-year old was on the rapid decline. His k-rates only increased marginally in Cincinnati (3.9 k/9 from 3/4 k/9...from '01 to '05, they ranged from 5.1 to 7.4). Needless to say, I'm not very optimistic about him this year. Unfortunately. -j

  5. Good work! As Marty said on the radio last night, this was not a good pickup by Krivsky.

  6. hey, even marty is right once in a blue moon
