Monday, June 25, 2007

Managing Bronson Arroyo

Today, Bronson Arroyo threw just his second quality start since May 16th, when he went eight innings and threw 129 pitches. Since that superb outing, Arroyo as struggled miserably, seeing his ERA shoot from 2.64 all the way to 5.24 heading into today's start. There have been repeated suggestions by both fans and media observers that that the extraordinarily high pitch count (the highest of his career) that he racked up on the 16th is a direct cause of his struggles.

I've been concerned about Arroyo's high workload for some time now. When the Reds signed Arroyo to his contract extension this past winter, I wrote "...Arroyo led the league in innings pitched last year (240.7) and was 6th in baseball in Pitcher Abuse Points. Unlike Harang, Bronson isn't a big guy (though I always forget that he is 6'5") and, as Joel pointed out, he does have a somewhat herky-jerky delivery. Therefore, even though he proved to be amazingly durable last season, I think the Reds really need to watch how they use him in the coming seasons if they want him to remain effective throughout the course of this contract."

Tonight, I decided to do a quick study to see if I could bring some numbers to bear on the issue. The specific question I tried to evaluate was whether high workloads in one start caused poorer performance in starts that followed. To test this, I looked at all of Arroyo's starts since arriving with the Reds in 2006. I then categorized his starts based on the number of pitches Arroyo threw in the prior start (I threw out his first start in 2006 and 2007). For example, on May 1st, Arroyo threw 95 pitches while going 7 innings and allowing one run against Houston. I therefore placed his next start, a 120-pitch outing against Colorado on May 6th, into the 90-99 pitches bin. And then, his next start, a 117-pitch outing against Los Angeles, went into the 120+ pitches bin. The result is a dataset that allows me to see whether there has been a relationship between how many pitches Arroyo throws in one start and his performance in the next start.

Here are the data, first in table form, and then graphically:
Pitches in Prior Start Number of Starts
0-80 1 4 7 6 6 1 4 0 13.50 13.50 9.45 0.0 9.0 2.3
80-89 2 12.7 17 10 10 3 5 11 7.09 7.09 5.72 7.8 3.5 2.1
90-99 6 40.7 36 14 14 2 10 32 3.10 3.10 3.00 7.1 2.2 0.4
100-109 14 95.7 95 38 33 10 22 67 3.10 3.57 3.85 6.3 2.1 0.9
110-119 21 142.7 137 66 56 18 41 108 3.53 4.16 4.19 6.8 2.6 1.1
120+ 5 29.3 30 18 18 4 15 16 5.53 5.53 5.42 4.9 4.6 1.2

Arroyo's runs allowed per nine innings and FIP (fielding independent pitching, uses peripherals to estimate ERA), plotted by the number of pitches Arroyo threw in the prior appearance. For the graph, I opted to ignore the first two bins in the table due to the minuscule sample sizes.

As predicted--though I am somewhat surprised at how clean it looks--Arroyo's performance in a start historically has been predictable, to some degree, based on his workload in his previous appearance. Lower pitch counts in a start have generally been followed by great performance in the subsequent start. Even if you look only at the center two columns that have the best sample sizes--the 100-109 and 110-119 bins--the effect is fairly dramatic. An extra 10 pitches in one start tended to result (by cause or correlation) in about an extra half-run allowed per nine innings in the subsequent start.

The effect looks most dramatic in the 120+ bin, though I would caution that the sample size here is still very low. In fact, despite the 5.53 ERA in this group, three of the five starts in this bin were quality's just that Arroyo got shelled in the others, most notably the 2 IP, 6 run effort against Washington on May 21st. If one removes the Washington outing, his ERA in this group drops to a tidy 3.96, though the FIP remains a high 4.92 thanks to a low strikeout rate and high walk rate.

What is the cause of Arroyo's struggles following high pitch-count outings? His peripherals show steadily increasing walk and hr-allowed rates, which both seem to indicate poorer control. Much of his success seems to depend on his ability to locate his slow curve ball, and perhaps that's more difficult to do when his arm is still tired from the previous outing. He may also have taken a hit on his strikeout rate following extremely long outings, though I'm hesitant to make much of a conclusion given the sample size issues with the 120+ pitch group.

Comparing Arroyo and Harang

The effect we see in Bronson above, despite having relatively small sample sizes, is consistent with what has been observed in other pitchers in other studies of how pitch count and other factors affects performance. Keith Woolner has a nice article in the 2007 Baseball Prospectus Annual that gives a good overview. Nevertheless, I thought it might be informative to compare Arroyo's results to those of the Reds' ace, Aaron Harang. While both Harang and Arroyo have had similar success over the past season and a half, they are different sorts of pitchers--Harang is a big man with smooth mechanics, while Arroyo is smaller and more "herky-jerky." Therefore, we might expect less of an effect of heavy work on Harang than on Arroyo.

My procedure was the same: take all of Harang's starts since April 2006 and categorize them based on the number of pitches in his prior starts (exception: there was one appearance last season when Harang was used in relief--I skipped over that appearance and the next start because I didn't know how to categorize them). Here are the data:
Pitches in Prior Start Number of Starts
<80 1 8 4 0 0 0 1 6 0.00 0.00 2.08 6.8 1.1 0.0
80-89 2 15 8 1 1 0 4 12 0.60 0.60 2.40 7.2 2.4 0.0
90-99 6 40.3 41 25 21 6 11 41 4.69 5.58 3.92 9.2 2.5 1.3
100-109 14 91.8 85 40 40 11 18 88 3.92 3.92 3.43 8.6 1.8 1.1
110-119 18 120.7 132 52 46 11 30 113 3.43 3.88 3.26 8.4 2.2 0.8
>120 7 48.4 45 23 22 6 10 40 4.09 4.28 3.78 7.4 1.9 1.1

Harang's runs allowed per nine innings and FIP (fielding independent pitching, uses peripherals to estimate ERA), plotted by the number of pitches Arroyo threw in the prior appearance. For the graph, I again opted to ignore the first two bins due to the minuscule sample sizes.

Needless to say, Harang does indeed show far less of a consistent relationship between workload and performance. In fact, he seems to steadily improve in subsequent starts as his workload increases in the prior start, at least until you start to cross the 120-pitch threshold. The one stat that seems to be a predictable response to increased workload is a drop-off in Harang's strikeout rates among starts following those with high workload. Nevertheless, he has been able to compensate for this with better control and fewer HR-allowed.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The critical reader will no doubt identify that this little study is based on limited sample sizes, and evaluates only two pitchers. It does rely on other research on pitcher workload and carryover effects to ground it, but nonetheless I will try to be cautious in my conclusions.

Historically, since arriving with the Reds, Arroyo has been substantially better when his workload in the previous start is kept down. For every 10 extra pitches above 90, he has tended to allow about a half-run more per nine innings. The effect has been even more dramatic following starts in which he tops 120 pitches. The effect is not absolute--Arroyo has pitched well following long outings, and has pitched poorly following short ones. But the average effect is sizable enough that it is probably worth paying attention to. While one obviously has to consider the present game situation when managing a pitcher, not to mention what the pitcher is telling you verbally and via body language, it would seem a "best practice" to try to keep Arroyo's starts under the 110-pitch mark when possible.

Harang, on the other hand, be it due to his delivery, body type, or just stochasticity, has historically handled higher workloads better than Arroyo, at least in terms of carry-over effects from subsequent starts. While I certainly would not recommend regularly extending Harang beyond 120 pitches (much less 135) because of the risk that he might injure himself due to pitching while tired, I would probably worry less about pitch counts with him and let the game situation dictate how long to keep him in the least until he gets into the 110-120 pitch range.

References and related studies
Pitcher Abuse Point Analysis by Keith Woolner
Pitcher Abuse Point^3 FAQ
Baseball Prospectus Annual 2007 (Keith Woolner's article)

Photo by AP/Ted S. Warren


  1. Very nice. Obviously not definitive, but I think it shows enough to know that Arroyo and Harang should be handled differently. I wonder also if it's not just his motion but the fact that Arroyo relies on his curveball much more than Harang. I have to imagine that his arm is more tired after a similar number of pitches just because of the types of pitches he throws.

    Or, Jeff Brantley could be right and Arroyo just might enjoy his rock star lifestyle too much. Do you have any graphs on that? :)

  2. I wonder also if it's not just his motion but the fact that Arroyo relies on his curveball much more than Harang. I have to imagine that his arm is more tired after a similar number of pitches just because of the types of pitches he throws.

    That's a really interesting point. Arroyo also uses multiple arm slots, which might make him more prone to losing his control when he's tired. I dunno, lots of cool hypotheticals, but unfortunately it gets tough to test the importance of these issues.

    Or, Jeff Brantley could be right and Arroyo just might enjoy his rock star lifestyle too much. Do you have any graphs on that? :)

    I'm having trouble getting a complete list of his gigs over the past season and a half. Do you have any inside sources? :)

    Nice to hear from you.

  3. Justin,

    Have I ever told you how much I really enjoy what you do?

    Again, great stuff.

  4. Justin,

    I'd like to second Doug's sentiments. This blog is never less than engaging.

    On Bronson... there was a reason (besides deeper starting pitching) that the Red Sox shuttled Arroyo between spot starting and long relief. I think you've shown that.

    And I'll reiterate. I think Arroyo will be a league-average innings eater for the remainder of the contract. That's valuable, although the Reds will overpay for that service in '09 and '10.

  5. I think Arroyo's a fine starter, just not someone who you should let go deep into ballgames. He's sort of like Pedro Martinez has been the past few years in that respect, just not quite as good. :) -j

  6. Justin,

    I'm not suggesting that we use Arroyo like the Red Sox did. To begin with, We don't have that luxury. It's that their usage underscores the problem of Bronson getting into high pitch count situations and it was an effective way for Boston to both keep him out of trouble and maximize his usefulness.

    If by fine starter you mean a solid No 3 in his best outings, I'd probably agree. But before Arroyo's current contract is out, I expect both Belisle and Bailey to provide more value in the rotation.

    There's nothing in Arroyo's history that suggests he belongs at the top of a rotation and a lot to suggest that 2006 may have been either a career year or that he was the beneficiary of a return to the NL. He's on the wrong side of 30 now and I wouldn't expect him to get any better. OTOH, I wouldn't expect a rapid decline as long as he can keep his off-speed stuff working to set up his "fastball". Like I said, a useful innings eater who will have flashes of brilliance and be overpaid in '09 and '10.

    What we really need to insure getting the best from Arroyo is a decent bullpen and a manager who knows how to use that bullpen to best effect. In fact, with a couple of exceptions, I'd like to see this bullpen in the hands of someone who knew what he was doing before it gets blown up and redone. Stanton, however, can be taken out behind the barn and put out of his misery.

    BTW, Will Carrol has a bit on this over at B-Pro in his daily column. Apparently Jayson Stark (!?) is going to tackle the subject for ;-)

  7. Phil,

    You can read my assessment of the Arroyo extension here. I think you'll find that I share your concerns about his 2006 performance and future prospects.

    As far as Bailey and Belisle...I certainly hope that Bailey lives up to his potential. Sky's the limit, as long as he can stay healthy. That's always an "if" with a pitching prospect, of course.

    I'm not as optimistic on Belisle, unfortunately. His minor league numbers are not particularly impressive, and his peripherals last year were horrendous. If he can maintain good control, which he has this season, he might be able to keep pace with Arroyo in years to come. But if he starts walking guys again, he might implode, as he doesn't strike out very many hitters. I think the Reds' online fanbase overrates him a bit, but I'd be delighted to be wrong about that.

    Also, fwiw, all indications are that Stanton is actually pitching quite well for the Reds. Peripherals are right in line with his past seasons, and his FIP is a tidy 3.53. It's that 0.374 BABIP that is killing him, and it's unlikely that that's his fault.

  8. Awesome stuff. I'm been waiting for someone (i.e. you) to look at this issue.

    Do you guys really consider Arroyo to be "herky-jerky"? His motion is definitely unusual, but I actually think he looks extremely fluid on the Plasticman or something.

  9. Justin,

    I'm probably overly optimistic on Belisle - small sample size. I guess I'm hoping he's found himself this year. Walking guys seems to the the Achilles heel of everyone in the rotation save Harang.

    Yeah, I know about Stanton's peripherals and his BABIP. Stanton sticks in my craw for the same reason Castro does. A rebuilding organization has no business giving multi-year contracts to old guys who represent fungible commodities.

    I don't know that I'd call Bronson herky-jerky. He's not Fernando or El Tiante. But he uses a lot of arm slots, whether intentional or not. That may be what her needs to do to get the off-speed stuff to move or it may lead to inefficiency and a lack of repeatable results.

  10. I should probably avoid trying to make any comments about pitching mechanics, as I probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

    To me, he looks a bit snappy on the first part of his approach to the plate (post-kick). But I don't know anything, and probably should avoid making such a comment. I certainly have never had any instruction on how to throw off a mound.

  11. Justin,

    I should probably avoid trying to make any comments about pitching mechanics, as I probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

    Hey, this is just a bunch of tubes they call the Interwebs...or something (thank you, Senator Stevens). Knowing what you're talking about isn't required here. ;-)

  12. True enough, though I try hard to back up any opinion I have with some sort of evidence. And when it comes to mechanics, I've got nothing. :) -j

  13. True enough, though I try hard to back up any opinion I have with some sort of evidence.

    You've got no future in politics with that attitude, son. ;-)

  14. This is an awesome analysis, but gets me curious. Looking at the starts based upon what he did in the last start seems to yield rather telling data...however, I wonder if you categorized his starts by those same pitch counts if you would find that his higher pitch outings were more effective ones, and while the evidence seems to suggest that this hurts him in his next start, maybe they are getting everything they can from him while he's pitching well. In other words, maybe its worse than Reds fans fear--maybe he doesn't pitch well unless he throws a lot of pitches, but doesn't pitch well the next game unless he does. Just throwing that out there to cause more havoc. I think your onto something with this theory in general though.

  15. Phil,

    Yeah, there aren't many scientists who go into politics. :)



    I haven't run the numbers, but it'd almost certainly be the case that Arroyo (or almost any pitcher) is better when he throws the most pitches. But I think the causation is the other way around--when he's throwing well, he'll get the opportunity to throw more pitches than otherwise. His shortest outing of the last two seasons, by pitch count, is his 62-pitch outing against Washington in which he only got six outs.

    But you're right that one has to balance the chance to win the current game with the chance to win future games. If the bullpen was reliable, it'd be an easy decision to pull Arroyo at ~105 pitches. But since the bullpen isn't reliable, it's something a manager has to wrestle with.

  16. Chris, I'm no mechanics expert either (I just learned last month that they actually play these games in person and not on computers), but it may just be the leg kick that gets me. I guess I compare him to Harang, whose motion is fluid and almost identical every time, and it looks like Arroyo has more rigidity in his motion. I can't prove that it means anything, but I can't imagine that Bronson can handle the same workload that Harang takes on. It's strictly an opinion though.
