Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Watching Griffey

I've had the chance to sit in front of a TV the last few nights and grade papers while the White Sox battled it out with the Tigers & the Twins. I somehow have a very hard time rooting for the Sox, at least when Griffey's not at the plate. But it sure was fun to see him celebrating after they made it into the playoffs tonight. And it's been nice to see Griffey able to contribute, be it today's perfect throw from the outfield, or the walk yesterday to load the bases for Ramirez.

I wonder what it's like for the guy. He's playing a much diminished role with them vs. what he's accustomed to in Cincinnati & Seattle, center field bizzaroness notwithstanding. And he's only been there two months now, so he's essentially a rent-a-player--not a role he's experienced before. I almost felt bad for him when he left the game for a pinch runner today after his double. But at the same time, that's probably how he should be used these days, as Anderson's game-halting catch so clearly demonstrated (Griffey wouldn't have made that play).

I'm sure it's not as sweet as when his Mariners made it to the playoffs back in the '90's. But I'm also sure it feels good to finally be going to a playoff series. I certainly will keep trying to root for them to go all the way.


  1. It was hilarious when Griffey was pulled for a pinch runner. I can't remember that ever happening to a center fielder before.

    Do the Sox really think a Griffey/Wise combo is better than Griffey/Swisher or Swisher/Griffey? Heck, even an Anderson/Swisher?

  2. Yeah, I doubt that Griffey/Wise is better than Griffey/Swisher, especially when Griffey is playing CF. Swisher's not a good defensive player, but he's no where near as bad as Griffey is. Griffey in LF and Swisher in CF has to be better than the current arrangement from a total value standpoint.

    Wise was a replacement player when he was in his prime playing with the Reds a few years ago, so he has to be the worst of the bunch (assuming that Anderson is a particularly strong defender--I really have no idea). ... but he's a better defender than Griffey, so if they have to play Wise, I can't fathom why Wise wouldn't be in CF.
