Friday, June 30, 2006

Chris Hammond Released

After a horrific April and June (spaced by an excellent May), Chris Hammond has been designated for assignment. He'll be replaced by Shackelford.

Hammond's final numbers: 28.2 innings, 6.91 ERA, 7.4 k/9, 1.6 bb/9, 1.6 hr/9, 0.318 BABIP, 4.32 FIP

Unfortunately, as I in mentioned in my profile on Hammond earlier in the year, his decline this year was rather predictable based on last year's performance. While his ERA remained a solid 3.84 ERA, his BABIP was an extremely lucky 0.228, and his HR-rated doubled, resulting in an FIP of 4.75. That's a dramatic decline from his sub-3.00 ERAs of the prior three years. Interestingly, Hammond's strikeout rates have actually been up this season, though his hr-allowed rate is also up (higher even than last year), and that is almost certainly part of the reason he was hit so hard this year.

It's a shame to see him go, but I think Shackelford is capable of doing at least as good a job as Hammond has done this year. Shackelford's not a stud, but he should be able to hold down the fort. When the bullpen has been as big a disaster as the Reds' have been this season, you have to try something different and see if you can find something that works.


  1. Plus, Hammond was more or less pitching on borrowed time - the man is 40 (!) for cripes sake.

  2. Hammond had a nice run, but the man is 40 for cripes sake. High time for the Reds to start cutting their losses in the 'pen.
