Sunday, March 18, 2007

Reds sign a Taiwanese Player

Via Global Baseball, the Reds have signed 19-year old Taiwanese LHP Tzu-Kai Chiu to a deal that includes a $200,000 signing bonus. jhelfgott, who runs Global Baseball, suggests that this may be a "statement signing" to indicate that they intend to be involved in future Chinese Taipei (as they are known in international tournaments) player signings.

I'm not crazy about the idea of spending $200,000 on a player who is unlikely ever amount to anything. But I'm very excited to see the Reds getting involved in signing players from the East. The Reds do have a good presence in the Dominican, but aside from that you don't see much indication that they're scouting players that are outside the United States. This is a great first step.


  1. J,
    This was reported a few weeks ago somewhere else (dont recall where) but there is a topic on it over on Redszone in the minor league section. I recall thinking the same thing as you about the $200,000 being a lot of money. On the bright side though, he is a young lefty who has hit 90 before.

  2. J - I'm from Taiwan and thrilled about the signing. When I get some time I'll look for some articles about him on Taiwanese websites and do some translating. Never saw him play, but 'chinese taipei' has won so many little league championships its about time they get some love from MLB. The pitchers in particular really 'know how to pitch' and the overall play in the league is improving. Also, Global baseball is right about what one player might do for the Reds in terms of future player development in Taiwan, theres alot of word of mouth communication in Taiwanese circles, so a good rep is worth its weight in gold. Even my mom now knows about Chien Ming Wang and the Yankees, probably the first baseball player/baseball team she's ever heard of. I don't know about Chattanooga, but I used to live in Dayton and theres an ok sized Taiwanese community around the area that I'm sure will welcome him.

  3. J - I saw Tzu-kai Chiu pitched several years ago. He was the ace in junior high school ball with low to mid-80 and a slow curve. At that time, Chiu was very impressive, many scouts has interested in him. But he didn't improve much when he played in senior high school ball. He may not be the top pitching prospect, but he is only 19 and still has many time to develop. I hope that he can pitch in GABP some day.

    By the way, the flag of Taiwan should be this one:

    Best regards,


  4. THanks for the feedback folks. I do hope that Chiu does very well for the Reds, and I'm very excited to see us making a name for ourselves as players on the international scene.

    Shinjyo, I'm updating the flag now. Thanks! -j
