Friday, July 20, 2007

Reds top the Braves in 15!

I watched yesterday's game last night on Tivo. I thought I was going to get to bed at a reasonable hour, but then Weathers gave it up... I ended up fast-forwarding through the last 5(!) innings of the game (it was late), only dropping down to game speed when someone got a runner in scoring position. And it still took about an hour to see those innings! Still, exciting game, and it's sure nice that the Reds came out on top. Some quick comments:
  • Harang looked awesome. Goes without saying given his pitching line in this game, but he looked much more dominant than the last time I saw him (vs. Diamondbacks). ... That little butcher boy double of his is the first time I can remember actually seeing him get a hit. Maybe he should swing like that more often. :) It's especially impressive given that he'd just lost his grandfather.
  • How about Pete Mackanin's five-infielder maneuver? First time I can remember seeing that particular move in years, but it reminded me of some of the things that Tommy Lasorda used to do. My personal favorite, which was cited in The Book, was sending a right-handed pitcher to left field while he brought in a LOOGY to face a lefty, and then bringing the righty back in to face the next hitter. Wouldn't mind seeing that move more often, as it can save an arm and yet still give a the best platoon match-up.
  • Phillips has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't he? I do love his energy.
  • The Reds now have two sweeps this month, after not having one since last July at the beginning of the month. I knew they'd win sometime this year, and it's been fun. The Reds haven't exactly been dominant, but a win is a win. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Win Probability graph from last night's game, courtesy of Fangraphs:

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